
The sad experience of the people of Israel on the border of the Promised Land
1. The report that the spies brought back from the land of Canaan
2. How this report was received
3. The sad consequence thereof
The Year of Jubilee
1. The historical instruction
2. The spiritual instruction
The Great Day of Atonement of the Old Testament
1. The way into the Holy of Holies
2. The atonement in the Holy of Holies
3. The blessing sent forth from the Holy of Holies
The golden calf
1. The awful sin of image worship
2. A praying and a pleading Moses
3. A punishing God
The rich covenant blessing
1. A covenant invitation
2. A covenant protection
3. The covenant communion
"Behold the blood of the covenant"
1. When this blood was shed
2. What this blood signifies
3. Where this blood was sprinkled
A special revelation of God's covenant
1. The manner of this revelation
2. The purpose of this revelation
A special revelation of God's covenant
1. The manner of this revelation
2. The purpose of this revelation
Israel and Amalek at Rephidim
1. The historical setting of this text
2. The spiritual instruction thereof
Rephidim or the smitten rock
1. Israel experienced a desperate need: there was no water
2. The meaning of the smitten rock which refers to Christ
3. That they may drink freely out of that rock out of which the waters gushed for a thirsty people