
The only comfort of the true Christian

Sunday, November 18, 2018
The only comfort of the true Christian
1. The essence of this comfort
2. The working of this comfort
The conversation between Ahasuerus and Haman
1. A summoned Haman
2. A questioned Haman
3. An answering Haman

A remarkable night

Sunday, October 21, 2018
A remarkable night
1. A sleepless night
2. A wonderful discovery

Haman’s grim joy

Sunday, September 30, 2018
Haman's grim joy
1. A vain joy
2. A ruined joy
3. A wicked joy

The king with Esther at the banquet

Sunday, September 16, 2018
The king with Esther at the banquet
1. After a granted request
2. After a repeated request

Esther’s meeting with the king

Sunday, August 26, 2018
Esther's meeting with the king
1. The way to the king
2. The grace of the king
Esther's decision to go to the king
1. In the way of prayer
2. In the way of perishing
Esther's hesitation to go to the king
1. An understandable hesitation
2. A refuted hesitation

Esther’s help requested

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Esther’s help requested
1. Offered help
2. Refused help
3. Requested help
The mourning after the decision of Haman
1. The mourning of the Jews
2. The mourning of the Church
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