
The confidence in God the Father

Sunday, June 16, 2019
The confidence in God the Father
1. The nature of this confidence of faith
2. The contents of this confidence of faith
3. The secret of this confidence of faith

What shall we do?

Sunday, June 9, 2019
What shall we do?
1. A question of pricked hearts
2. A question of longing hearts
3. A question of comforted hearts
4. A question of saved hearts

What meaneth this?

Sunday, June 9, 2019
What meaneth this?
1. A question asked in the Temple
2. A question asked in doubt
3. A question asked in the heart

The knowledge of God the Father

Sunday, June 2, 2019
The knowledge of God the Father
1. He is the Father of His Son
2. He is the Father of His Creation
3. He is the Father of His children

The Ascension of Christ

Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Ascension of Christ
1. The time of His Ascension
2. The way of His Ascension
3. The fruit of His Ascension
The one essence in the divine Trinity
1. The nature of the Trinity
2. The revelation of the Trinity
3. The experience of the Trinity
A true longing with regards to Ascension
1. The foundation of this longing
2. The nature of this longing
3. The purpose of this longing
The three Persons in the divine Trinity
1. The relationship of these three Persons
2. The work of these three Persons
3. The knowledge of these three Persons
Christus hersteld Simon in het ambt
1. Door een drieërlei vraag
2. Na een drieërlei antwoord
3. Met een drieërlei opdracht

I am the Resurrection and the Life

Sunday, May 19, 2019
I am the Resurrection and the Life
1. The giver of this Life
2. The partakers of this Life
3. The perfection of this Life
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