The fourth petition: "Give us this day our daily bread"
1. Bread given
2. Bread acknowledged
1. Bread given
2. Bread acknowledged
Inaugural Service of Rev. J.R. Slingerland
Ordination & Installation of Rev. J.R. Slingerland
The third petition: "Thy will be done"
1. Learning God's will
2. Doing God's will
1. Learning God's will
2. Doing God's will
The second petition: "Thy kingdom come"
1. Adding to that kingdom
2. Preservation in that kingdom
3. Perfection of that kingdom
1. Adding to that kingdom
2. Preservation in that kingdom
3. Perfection of that kingdom
Paul and Barnabas return unto Antioch
1. Their work during their return
2. Their arrival after their return
1. Their work during their return
2. Their arrival after their return
Gathered before the Lord
1. Hearing
2. Fearing
3. Teaching
1. Hearing
2. Fearing
3. Teaching
The first petition: "Hallowed be thy name"
1. God's name known
2. God's name displayed
3. God's name praised
1. God's name known
2. God's name displayed
3. God's name praised
"Through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God"
1. The nature of that tribulation
2. The necessity of that tribulation
3. The fruit of that tribulation
1. The nature of that tribulation
2. The necessity of that tribulation
3. The fruit of that tribulation
Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch
1. The time of their return
2. The work during their return
1. The time of their return
2. The work during their return